North Dakota Junior Point Show Association


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North Dakota Junior Point Show Association
Beef Membership Form Goat Memberhip Form
Sheep Membership Form Swine Membership Form



2023-2024 North Dakota Junior Point Show Association Rules & Guidelines
Youth desiring to be members of the NDJPSA must abide by the following rules and guidelines.

1. The NDJPSA age requirement is not older than 21 years old as of October 1st of the current show calendar. To assume a board member role, members must be 12 years old as of October 1st.
2. The NDJPSA calendar will run from October 1st to September 30th. (Example: October 1st, 2020-September 30th, 2021)
3. A $15.00 (Prior to June 1st) $20.00 (After June 1st) annual fee per person, per species, is required to par-ticipate in the year end awards program. Dues MUST be paid before points can accumulate.
4. New rules do not take effect until the next show season.
5. For each specie, the livestock must be entered in the name of the individual, the individual’s immediate family, or the individual’s immediate family’s ranch name. They must be shown by the individual for any points to be recorded. Even though a substitute show person may be granted by the NDJSPA, points will not be awarded to an exhibitor unless he or she is in attendance to show his or her animal.
6. All livestock must have ownership on or prior to May 1st. Livestock purchased after the May 1st deadline may still show, however, points for these livestock will not be counted.
7. Youth are to check with each individual fair or show for specific arrival and release times and dates.
8. Membership is open to any due paying member from any state or origin.
9. Only due paying members are allowed to propose rule changes with their name attached.
10. To show an animal in a particular breed show, the entry must conform to any specific rules established by that particular breed association.
11. Only other juniors can help other point show members. No ring help from parents or those older than jun-ior point show age. (example: breeding sheep set up)
12. Less than three head per registered in a specific breed will move to an AOB division for a year end award.
13. All rules and regulations set forth by the NDSF will be in place at each sanctioned show and must be followed. 14. Out of State Shows will be allowed to sanction with the NDJPSA.

Point Calculation:

1. Any time an exhibitor is named champion or reserve champion of any breed, he or she will receive the same number of points as the highest point-getting class winner of that breed rather than the number of points for his or her original class.
2. Breed champions will receive 5 bonus points and the reserve champion will receive 3 bonus points.
3. Points do not move up or down if an ineligible animal or if a non-member is selected.
4. NDSF points will double for champion and reserve champion. (Example: Champion in your breed will be awarded 10 extra points and reserve in your breed will be awarded 6 extra points rather than 5 and 3.)
5. All points recorded in a class are based on actual number of junior class livestock that enter the show-ring, regardless if they are NDJPSA members or not. The points you receive will be based on your actual plac-ing in the junior show.
6. Supreme and Overall Champions & Reserves will receive an additional 5 and 3 points than the highest point receiving animal in their respective divisions.

Tabulation Table for Sheep/Goat/Swine (Any placing not indicated on the table will receive one point.)
# in Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
1 5                        
2-3 10 5 3                    
4-5 15 10 7 4 1                
6-10 20 15 12 10 8 7 6 4 2 1      
11-15 25 20 15 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 1 1 1
16-20 30 25 20 15 12 10 8 7 6 4 2 1 1
7. Tabulation Table for Beef (Any placing not indicated on the table will receive one point.)
# in Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
1 5              
2-3 10 5 3          
4-5 15 10 5 3 1      
6-10 20 15 10 5 3 1 1 1
11-15 25 20 15 10 5 3 1 1
16-20 30 25 20 15 5 5 3 1
21+ 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 3
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North Dakota Junior Point Show Association
Jaime Friesz
(701) 256-0006
Jaci Cargo
(701) 516-7857
Beth CriswelL
(701) 206-0042

4497 34th st
new salem, nd 58563


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